Patience is artist's best tool
It’s been a little over two years since I started working on Tlapaltik Síuatl and there is still a lot of work to do.
But as I said, I never rush my work. It takes whatever long it takes because I believe my sculptures have a soul, that is created through the process and will last forever. That soul will make a connection with someone, I don’t know who that is, and I want that to be a positive one. So I take my time, because whoever adopts this sculpture will adopt the process it’s been through as well.
Perhaps Tlapaltik Síuatl will be ready in a couple of months or one more year. It will be ready when the time is right.
There is a therapeutic effect in letting go. A lesson I learn over and over again but the pandemic has stressed especially. There is no point on rushing on deadlines if you are not enjoying the process.
Because life, just like sculptures, is about the journey.